Thursday, November 15, 2007


Despite what you may have been thinking, I am in fact still alive and kicking, both in the real world and on cyberspace. As it turns out (not too surprisingly) I am not too adept at this whole computer business, because in a recent attempt to upgrade my blogger template I not only deleted all of my links and other personalized categories, but I am somehow operating back on the "classic" version of Blogger. Technology, you have bested me once again! That will teach me to think twice before messing with you, technology!

In addition to being a poor blog technician, it also turns out that I am an unreliable blogger to boot (as any long-term reader can attest to). Where have I been for the past month or so with regular updates into my exciting, jet-setting life (just returned from spending an extended weekend in a garage in San Diego!) or my unnecessary picks for early favorites on season 4 of Project Runway (the fat guy!)? I have been on the job prowl, looking high and low for a new source of steady income. Despite my utmost faith in my own capabilities (I would hire me, anyway), it was a rather trying time and I felt all knotted up inside as I was fearing the worst and waiting an answer. I was, so to speak, creatively constipated. I am happy to report that this blockage has been successfully cleared and I will be starting my new job the Monday after Thanksgiving. Relief flowed through me like a carafe of coffee and a big bowl of bran cereal in the morning. Before you know it I will be starting my new job in a new company in this new town, and I will be pouring my spare energies back into this shanty blog with renewed vigor (this last part is pure speculation). While working from home certainly has its perks, I'm looking forward to rejoining the real world. I think even my cats are beginning to worry that I've been talking to them too much.


Josh said...

Congratulations on the new job! (I actually didn't know you'd left the last one) Are you still in publishing?

Todd said...

Thanks, Josh! I am actually staying with my current job until Wednesday, and I will be completely finished when I ceremoniously ship my laptop back to the corporate offices via UPS. I will still be in publishing, although I'll be making the jump from Higher Ed publishing to scientific/medical publishing. That's right, you can call me Dr. Todd from here on out. Wait... wasn't Dr. T & The Ladies a Richard Gere flick? In that case nevermind...

Josh said...

Don't forget...not only was it a Richard Gere vehicle, it was inexplicably directed by Robert Altman!